Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's been a while, I know. But I am still here and alive. Just been incredibly busy: school, work and MOVING!! Woo ha. Don't you just love moving…it's so thrilling and fun…
However, it should be a good move. I still don't even know how the hell I'm going to get my crap from one place to the other, but I'll figure it out. Once it's there, everything will be copasetic. A small dispute over rooms seems to be sorted out, and all seems well. I say seems because 5 people in one house is bound to have some interesting results.
School is going well; I'm maintaining a really high GPA and feel that I'm putting more of an effort into everything. I'm actually trying to be more academic, and really get something out of my readings and classes. That's not to say I didn't before—I've always loved the whole school, academia thang. I just feel that I'm not pissing around as much, and that it's more important for some weird reason.
May be home sooner rather than later, but nothing is decided yet. I have one more year, the fall and winter semesters, and then I should be finished my bachelor's in English and Folklore. I really want to attend an exchange-type program in summer 2005 to Harlow, England, but money may be a tad tight. Now, after my lovely bachelor's I need to decide a few things. I love folklore, I love the program and my classes, and I actually really love MUN. However, I'm having that wonderful Arts panic attack that says: what the hell are you going to do with a degree in Folklore, dummy?? And why the hell didn't you learn to weld?? So, I may decide to get my M.A. in English, as opposed to the Folklore M.A. This way, I may have a bit more recourse to get work teaching, etc. And if I decide on English, I may come home to do the M.A. if I can actually get in to a program there. It's just rather confusing as I think I may have found a calling of sorts with Folklore. Then again, I've taken a couple Classic's courses and love those. And I love my English Lit., too! Gosh darn it!! I just love Arts in general! I should win the lottery and become a professional student. I could roam the world attending different universities. By the time I hit 60 I'd have a dozen different degrees! Heh heh.
I'm getting my wonderful bouts of homesickness again, and that doesn't help the decision making progress. Plus, due to my seeming inability to find decent work here, I'm broke as two broke things and that also sucks. So, this all boils down to me running home, tail tucked. That's not that palatable, so I really have to do some soul-and financial/career-searching.
Trying to do a bit of writing in between a million things, and I have a story I received some good feedback on in creative writing almost edited. I think I might actually send it out and see what happens. Then I can start my scrapbook of rejection letters. The more stuff I send out, the more scrapbook volumes I will amass, and then I will just start teaching courses on “Rejection Letter Etiquette” and “How Not to Paper Cut Yourself to Death on a Particularly Harsh Rejection Letter.”
Just thinking that I will be close to lots of coffee shops and restaurants to write in, ala J.K.Rowling. Cool. More action and people in the house that are forced to read my shit! Also cheaper rent so I can actually afford to replace my printer cartridge. No more red essays.
I'm also waiting for icebergs to creep closer to the coast. (Nice alliteration!) The come in and create fog and cool weather, and you can go to places like Cape Spear to see them quite close. They get huge, and I hope to get some pics. I also want to go on a boat tour and see some puffins. I've been obsessed with puffins since I got here and realized that they weren't just the logo on a book company…they really exist!!
Anyway, that's my update for now. It's probably a bit grim sounding, but I'm tired and have so much to do.
Hope a few of you out there are still reading this…even with my sporadic updates!
Peace out homies!!
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